Nick is more than happy to undertake any kind of writing assignment and/or copywriting for any purpose whatsoever! Please use the contact form to get in touch and Nick will follow up via email in order to understand the brief and quote it accordingly. To review previous testimonials of Nick's editing and/or writing work, please click here.
Nick is pricing his various levels of editing services at well below 'commercial' pricing. Why? Because, being based in Ecuador, he does not have the overheads of editors living in developed countries. So, take advantage! To review previous testimonials of Nick's editing and/or writing work, please click here.
Pricing ($US)
Three Levels of Editing are offered - Choose one!
1. Basic Editing - 0.6 cents a word (50,000 word manuscript - $300).
2. Medium Level Editing - 0.9 cents a word (50,000 word manuscript - $450).
3. Comprehensive Editing - 1.2 cents a word (50,000 word manuscript - $600).
Basic Editing: Essentially, basic editing is proof-reading. At this level, Nick will professionally proof your work and rid it of spelling and grammatical errors. Generally speaking, he will not comment on the material otherwise, although he will probably make additional stylistic, word-selection and overall readability changes anyway, if such aspects of the work are quick and easy for him to fix as he goes! This fee does not include an additional review of any 'post-changes' revised material.
Medium Level Editing: Incorporates basic editing, but also includes suggestions for better structure, syntax, phraseology, style and the like. Nick will also comment on any aspects of the material he feels compelled to - timelines, consistency, places, characters, plausibility, tone, dialogue, formatting, fonts, overall structure, etc. The result will be an error-free, tighter, more consistent and smoothly-reading manuscript. This fee does not include an additional review of any 'post-changes' revised material.
Comprehensive Editing: The Edit with the Lot!
Includes top level editing of all aspects of the work as indicated above, plus suggested rewrites of problematic sections. Also included are:
1. a written 'manuscript-appraisal' after the 'first-edit' which will specifically highlight areas and habits which need attention, as well as addressing any other aspects of the work which could potentially be improved. By incorporating this advice (as well as the first-edit's suggested changes) in the rewrite, the manuscript can be polished as much as possible prior to point 2 below.
2. an additional review of the work (second-edit) after the changes suggested in the first-edit have been incorporated.
Put simply, a comprehensive edit is your best guarantee of the tightest, most accurate and complete final product possible.
If you have any questions or would like to submit your material for editing, please use the Contact Form to reach Nick, and he will get back to you promptly.